It was Hell on Earth.
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It was Hell on Earth.

It was Hell on Earth.

Kristi holding her 10 month medallion

My name is Kristi. I’m 33 and the mother of a 2-year-old son. Over the years I have been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, and addiction.

I was becoming suicidal & knew I had to get help. I was hospitalized and then went to treatment. I didn’t know what to expect going into treatment but it saved my life. I attended every group and worked The Program.

I have 10 months of recovery because I work the 12 steps, attend meetings, have a sponsor, and ask for help from my sober girlfriends. My life is manageable and my mental health is better. I have better communication with my family and I’m present with my son. Some days are hard, but I work to live a life where alcohol is not the solution to my problems anymore. I have never been happier and I see a bright future ahead of me!

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