07 May In sobriety, we are absolutely – not a GLUM lot!
I am having fun with each moment of my life!
I didn’t get sober to be miserable… Well, maybe when I first sobered up, I thought, ‘miserable is better than dead.’ People in the 12 Step rooms kept saying “In sobriety, we are absolutely – not a GLUM lot!”. Really, I knew what it felt like to ‘just not use,’ and I didn’t want that.
What a surprise when I meet women who were sober AND happy! Now, I giggle to myself to see how easy it is to change my life in each moment. I smile at the grace of life when I choose to see it from a space of joy and I am enjoying the nuances of my emotions.
Just like an artist, I am choosing to paint my life with warm vibrant colors. I know emotions have colors, so I am having fun dressing my body with bright, happy colors.
Wow! MUSIC – I am enjoying fun music, dance around my kitchen, and sing out loud in my car. I am enjoying that I can disregard what others may think. Truly, what others think of me is none of my business!
Today, I am filling my world with vibrant people. I’ve had to explore what I can bring to a friendship, cultivate what I have to offer, and in return, I’ve become surrounded by the women who lift me up. Here I am enjoying their company as I relish the exuberance of amazing friends.
In the past, I spent too much time on the couch with the curtains closed, so here I am enjoying getting out into Nature and breathing in the fresh air. Because I go on picnics, long walks, and even camping, am having fun again. Going to farmers’ markets, meeting new people, and gatherings with like-minded friends are a blast. No more fast food – I am enjoying fresh fruits and healthy foods.
Now, I am enjoying festivals, vacations, and social interaction again. I’ve had the opportunity to attend 12 Step meetings in so many beautiful countries and in languages I don’t understand. In Thailand, a woman was telling her story, she was halfway through when I realized I didn’t understand the words she was saying, yet I was with her for every step of her journey, laughing when she fell in a dumpster, crying when she hit her bottom. The language of Recovery is universal, and we all understand the sounds of joy.
Today, I see how important each experience and person is in my life as I gain a new appreciation for life itself!
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How could I enjoy my life, even more, each day?
- What can I do to share this joy with others?
- How can I spread joy and happiness at a quantum level?
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